Thursday, 30 August 2007

A plan....nearly..

Well looks like I had my last chemo (for now) last Friday. They (the 'experts') have decided that whilst the tumour is responding that its not responding as well as it could be (my tumour marker is coming down but slower than expected), so they want to press on with high-dose chemo sooner, rather than give me another cycle of the current stuff. They need to give me 4 weeks for my blood to recover so they are planning on me going in toward the end of September.

That means I'll miss out on yet another holiday at the end of Oct which was booked at the beginning of the year! My sister gets to go in my place to keep Michelle and Lauren company, or perhaps babysit while Michelle's out every night (it is with MarkWarner so I doubt Lauren will be left by herself!).

Got a scan today to check how big the tumour is and if there are any more! Fingers crossed!


Lightbox Education said...

Add another two sets of crossed fingers from this end! Not much use to me today as we are into our 10th day without email! Nice while it lasts but just imagine the deluge when it is switched back on.

Rob said...


Let us know the outcome of your tests / scan's today !...Fingers crossed from here too...all the best !

Anonymous said...

fingers crossed from this end as well

Anonymous said...

Hi Nigel

Everything crossed this end for you! Cor blimey everythings going pins and needles!!

Are you up for a drink one evening in the near future?


Lightbox Education said...

Quote "Enjoy while you can! The Blues of Chelsea will soon be leading again!! and then it will be the blues for you toon lot!! Alistair." Did you enjoy the game on Sunday, mate?? Claret and Blue Army!!! :-)